DyWA Integrated Modeling Environment

The low-code development environment for creating web applications

Entity Modeling


Powerful Entity Modeling

Process Modeling


Rich Process Modeling

User Interface

User Interface

Appealing UX for Modeler and User

Data Model Icon

Data Models

Create powerful data models in DIME with advanced features like enumerated types, managed bidirectional associations, multiple inheritance, renaming nearly everything for domain-specifity, and advanced attribute overriding.

Data Model in DIME
Procedd Model Icon
Process Model in DIME

Process Models

Use the rich process modeling facilities in DIME to create sophisticated business logic with advanced dynamic access control and long-running processes. The processes are interdependently connected with the data models and user interface models. Feel the programming-less modeling experience.

GUI Model Icon

User Interface Models

Build stunning dynamic user interfaces with the GUI modeler shipped with DIME. Keep track of your structure via interaction processes running in the frontend. Connect seamlessly to your business logic via hierarchical modeling. You don't have to think about the communication between the layers, IT simply works.

GUI Model in DIME
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This site is maintained by the chair for programming systems of TU Dortmund University.

Postal address

TU Dortmund
Fakultät für Informatik
Lehrstuhl 5
44221 Dortmund


The following people are involved in the implementation of DIME and development of its concepts (alphabetical order):